Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mr. Bobble

Jeff Wolsky
He makes custom bobble heads
He wants 75000 for 18% of the company
He dosnt want to sell any of his existing company
Dosnt make a deal with the sharks
Sharks wanted 100,000 for 20%

Monday, November 29, 2010

Merchants of Cool, Marketing to youth

-Teens run todays economy
-Get involved into their culture
-Develop ralationships
-Get hip hop to get teens to listen'
-You have to understand what they want
-Teens talk about sex alot, so tav was made to interest them
-Teens show things what are on tv and media sells this back to the kids
-Corporations capitalize on the age-old insecurities and self-doubts of teens by making them believe that to be truly cool, you need their product
- Some companies hire "cool hunters" or "cultural spies" to infiltrate the world of teens and bring back the latest trends

Where are the adults? Youth marketers diminish the presence of adults in the youth market today because the media is not interested really in adults, because theres a way larger market of teens.
What is this doing to our teens? What its doing is that its getting teens involved in a negative way, and they're getting more crazier.
Comment on the reducing of students in our society? A 13 year old that looks 17 years old Because the media is showing things to 13 year olds that they shouldnt see, and that whats makes them look older
The entertainment companies ... look at the teen market as part of this massive empire they're colonizinghe entertainment companies ... look at the teen market as part of this m


Shops (metal, woodwork etc.)
Trip to China

The heart of sardis
Achieve greatness
raise the bar
get educated
we care

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ray Kroc

-Mcdonalds Owner
-Sold the world on the conceptof fst food
-Made himself a millionaire
-Started a lemonade stand in front of his house, and worked in a grocery store
-Tried to find sceams on how to make money (didnt go to school very much)
-Joined the red cross ambulance core
-Gave school another chance but quit at the end of semester one
-Became the multimixer distributer at age 37
-dick and mac mcdonald opened up a hotdog stand and then moved 3years lkater and made a bigger one called mcdonals
-reinvemted bigger grills etc. for better and more quicker service
-The small hotdog stand they opened turned into a huge success and made a magazine cover
-See Value (Mutimixer)
-less is more
-do less but do it efficently
-52 years and then he heard about Mcdonalds
-He rented out real estate to make more money
-His first love was only Mcdonalds
-Opened a hamburger university, for training
-Ray wanted to buy out dick and mac mcdonald, they wanted 1,000,000 each and enough cash to pay taxes
-Bought the San Diego Padres
-He died at age 81 due to a failing heart

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Element Bars:
- Custom Energy Bars
-Makes 1000 a day
- Makes them because he wants to make a bar that dosnt make you crash, and he wants to better the competition
- He wants 150k for 15%
- He thinks his company is worth $1,000,000.00
-Got an offer for 150k for 75%
-Got another offer for 150k for 100% and 4% royalty

Made a deal for 150k for 30% and 4% royalty

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Money from Nothing

Garage Sale boys- Travis Sherman, and Tyler Christie
Sold items at a garage sale

Redline Performance- Alex Antle, and Cooper Arnold
Bought auto parts and sold them for cheap- 415

Lucas Bury- Egg/Zima Eggs
Sold eggs From there chickens- No money

Tyler Cameron- Begin Boating
Put Boats in water- $120

Katie Conrad- Acrylic Nails
Did peoples nails- $45

Illuminite- Jake Dueck, Cole Ewert
Put up Christmas Lights- $123

Brad Smith, Evan Edlund- The Gutter Boys
Cleaned gutters, and landscaped- $360

Racheal Hisinga- Purses
Sold purses- $15.80

Ben Kipper- Computer and Car Audio Solutions
Serviced Computers, and sold audio stuff- $1550

Brandon Laroche- Delivery Service
Delivery Service, picked up products and delivered them- $280

Colin Alberts- Roses for cure
Delivered flowers for breast cancer- $714

Genny, Adam- A&G's Bake for you
made cookies and other baked goods for people- Made no money

People who succeeded in doing this project, and made money were people who did different things and did it their own way. The people who made no money didnt work hard enough and did the same thing that other competitors do, and they probably have more experience at it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Problems and solutions

Make more lanes in road
Car pooling

Get more people to make the job faster
They should work at night so cause its less busy

Old people who cant drive
Should be an age limit
Should be tested again whats your a certain age

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Branding your business

Volvo will become chinese owed in the future
Organically grown chinese brands will inevidently become highly popular
Chinese Mindset is swinging from mechanical to emotional

Store jobs told disney to make sure walk in a disney store that you can understand the message
If shelves could talk what would they say?
Your mechandise says alot about your store
Break with connection
Less seems to be more, uncluttered works

What made me stand out this week was being nice to people around me.
What do i want to be famous for? I want to be famous for being a key partner in a successful business

Ralph Lifshitz
Defined the business suit and his clothing became very popular. He expanded into other areas, including casual shirts and pants. He also experimented in other areas such as furniture and linens that proved to be quite profitable.

What is personal Branding
Is the process that takes your skills, personality of what you, and what you do, and what makes you different.

What a Personal Brand does?
1. Your are different
2. You arr superior
3. You are authentic

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Everything is broken

Opportunity lost
if u think its broken then its broken
7 kinds of broken:
Not my job: Doing nothing to solve a problem they can see
Selfish jerks: People trick you into things so you spend money
I am not a fish: People Desighn thinngs so stupidly that things are not convinient
I dont know: People design things so it cant be better in any way
Broken on purpose
Just broken

Monday, November 8, 2010

Seth Godin

You need to spread your ideas so people no about them
Remarkeble means, worth making a remark about
Sell to people who are listening
Very good is boring
Very good will not work
Everyones in fasion business
Be remarkable
Design rules
Figure out who cares, ans ell it to them
Safe is risky

Friday, November 5, 2010

Home Depot

Founded in 1978
First two stores opened in 1979
More than 50 billion in sales
If you cat make money then it dosnt work out well
Made a business called handy dan
Founded by by Bernie Marcus, Arthur Blank, Ron Brill, and Pat Farrah
Bernie and Arthur were fired from handy dan
The home depot stores were larger than there competitors stores
Founded in Marietta, Georgia
Kept their ideas secret about their new business
Had alot of ideas for a business name but came up with "The Home Depot"
Had hard time buying products because they had little money
Engouraged employees to take on big projects
Home depot sponsored the olympics

Thursday, November 4, 2010

fundementals to success

Be Frugal
Find out your strengths
Take risks
Have a back-up plan
Be passionate
know what you want
willing to fail

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hedge Hog Concept

It is an understanding of what you can be the best at. If You no something your good at stick to it.

My Hedge Hog Concept

My Hedge Hog concept is probly being good at sports, cause im a fast learner in gaining skills fast.

Chilliwacks Hedge Hog conceptis probly having good water it is better than alot of water anywhere else.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dragons Den

Kevin O'Leary
Puts money over feeling
Born in Montreal Canada
first job was at a ice cream parlor
He got fired because he didnt scrape the gum of the floor
he said he would never work for someone again
turned 10,000 dollars into a 3.7 million dollars in a software company
Money rules his life
Money is his inner peece

Brett Wilson
Hes Generous
Born in Saskatchewan
His dad didnt notice him when he came back from the oil fields (6 months)
Main goal was the graduate
Brain power was one of his values
Sacrificed his family for wealth
Carried the olympic torch through Calgary

Jim Treliving
Built a pizza empire
Had many occupations
Was an ex rcmp officer
Opened up Boston Pizza first franchise in penticton
took ten years before they saw any money
Hard work, works
Grew up in a small town
Arlene Dickenson
Strong Marketer
You need to earn money, its not just given to you
Born in Africa
Grew up poor
She left home when she was 16
owner of venture communications
Money cant make you happy, it has no feelings

Robert Harjevec
He was always encouraged
Raised on a farm
Raised by Aunt & Uncle
Dosnt understand people with no ambition
When he turned 8 everything changed for him
Any can be rich if they put there mind to it

What I Learned?
I learned that it dosnt matter what you started off with, whatever you start off with, you can turn it into something big.