Monday, November 29, 2010

Merchants of Cool, Marketing to youth

-Teens run todays economy
-Get involved into their culture
-Develop ralationships
-Get hip hop to get teens to listen'
-You have to understand what they want
-Teens talk about sex alot, so tav was made to interest them
-Teens show things what are on tv and media sells this back to the kids
-Corporations capitalize on the age-old insecurities and self-doubts of teens by making them believe that to be truly cool, you need their product
- Some companies hire "cool hunters" or "cultural spies" to infiltrate the world of teens and bring back the latest trends

Where are the adults? Youth marketers diminish the presence of adults in the youth market today because the media is not interested really in adults, because theres a way larger market of teens.
What is this doing to our teens? What its doing is that its getting teens involved in a negative way, and they're getting more crazier.
Comment on the reducing of students in our society? A 13 year old that looks 17 years old Because the media is showing things to 13 year olds that they shouldnt see, and that whats makes them look older
The entertainment companies ... look at the teen market as part of this massive empire they're colonizinghe entertainment companies ... look at the teen market as part of this m

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