Friday, December 10, 2010

Conrad Hilton

-Founder of the Hilton Hotels
-If you worked hard you could exceed
-Grew up by stones throw
-His mom taught him the Catholic faith
-He succeeded in school
-Developed Passion
-He opened bank which wasnt a good idead, and it closed after a year
-He entered politics
-His dad, died in a car accident
-He missed his fathers funeral
-He went to texas to be a banker
-Instead he bought a hotel for 40,00 dollars
-Bought more hotels in texas
-He was a huge success, until a depression hit the states and he lost everything in except on hotel the El Paso
-He manged to get and gain a great reputation
-Guard your reputation
-If people are fearful they will take anything
-Married Again in 1941
-Bought the Rosevelt hotel in new your
-Also bouth the biggest hotel in the world in Chicago
-Bought the Hotel the Waldo

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