Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kelly Johnston

- Realtor
- Graduated from sardis in 1986
- Owner of Sutton Real-State in Chilliwack
- Advance your goals as you move along
- He didnt have much money when he was growing up
- He had to earn the things he wanted
- Didn't want to be stressed over money
- Got in to acting
- Played in some lead roles on T.V shows
- Money is just a thing
- Follow your passions
- Opened a coffee shop in abbotsford
- Want to be at the top
- In 2003 he wanted make a real estate team
- There is cycles for profit
- Markets can go up or down
- Be prepared for storms
- You are not a victim of the world
- Build a network of friends
- Figure out your route
- The coffee shop has the power of focus and visualization
- Live life the way it should be lived
- You can make as much money as you want, you don't have a price tag on you
- Bring key peopleinto your circle
- Create a win win situation
- Feed the brain
- Dilute your brain with positive things
- Take each step as it comes

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blake Ross

Blake Ross is an American software developer who is known for his work on the Mozilla Web Browser. He started the Mozilla Firefox project with Dave Hyatt, as well as ther Spread Firefox project with Asa Dotzler while working as a contractor at the Mozilla Foundation. He created his first website at age 10. He began programming during middle school. Ross is  most well known for co-founding the Mozilla Firefox project with Hyatt. While interning at Netscape, Ross became disenchanted with the "Browser" he was working on and the direction given to it by American online has recently purchased netscape.

Young Entrepreneurs

Evan Williams- Twitter
- Launched twitter as a side project of odeo
- designed as a broadcast media
- It allows to share imformation with the world or to people you know

- Allows you to search pretty much anything
- Employees are go-getters
- No formula
- They want to make the world a better place
- Wants more searches
- Have  a bunch of toolbars (Froogle, Blogger etc.)
- Encourages employees to share their new ideas
- Creates many side projects like toolbars, news, etc.


- Creates free thinking
- effective
- Challenges google
- valued at 15 billion
- creates culture
- Selling ads

Hunks Hauling junk

-College foxes hauling boxs
- offered 250k for 25%
- inc. magazine 30 on 30
- offered 1 million-10%

Both companys are very appealing college foxes hauyling boxs have great potential to be a partner with college hunk moving junk in removong junk and moving buisness's.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Rockefellers

- You have to no the value of money
- Keep a ledger to keep track of your money
- His goal was to make 100,000 dollars
- He was concerned with hsi fortune, no made
- He was a millionaire many times over again
- He had a repitition of being ruthless
- offered companys shares and cash, to buy them out
- He was worth a quater of a billion dollars
- Built a all black college
- Donateed 600,000 dollars to westham college
- 34 different companys were created out of standard oil

Succes Tips

- Face the Wave- Face your challenges head on
- Embrace Risk - Take risks to move ahead in life
- Be Discerning- Be aware of your surroundings to find outstanding opportunities
- 24 hour rule- You have 24 hours to confront someone who wronged you, or you lose the right to be hurt
- Keep a Ledger- Helps you save money

Arnold Swarzenegger

He is a very succesful man. He was born in austria, and his parents were very strict on what he did and what he had a passion for. His passion was body building and he loved it. He won alot of bodybuliding matchs but had lost some. He won championships when he was 16 and 17. At age 20 he got the Mr. Universe award. His mentor was Joe Wieder who help him publish his bodybuilding newletters. After his waitlifting carrer he began acting, and was very succesful in that.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Every Problem is an Opportunity

- Open your eyes to problems
- Every problem is an opportunity
- Problem..."bring them on!"
- Intersection of yor "skills, market need and passion"
- Willing to fail...make a resume of failures
- Build ralationship...for the long-term
- Prioritize. (One page Business Plan) and re-evaluate constantly
- Teams. Make everyone else successful. The more  you give --- The more you get!
- Never miss an opportunity to be Fabulous! Do my BEST work Now!
- You control your attitude. (MBA won't fix your problem)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Be Discerning

This means to keep your eyes wide open and being aware of your surroundings. In Indonesia a Tsunami hit  and tourists didnt no what was happening. Alot of lives were lost because they didnt take action fast enough, and that costed them. This is a good success tip to not only eliminate bad things around you, but to extend good oppurtunities.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Richard Branson

Richard Branson is the founder of the company Virgin. He has created alot of jobs for inexperienced people, andd his business's are worth 25 billion dollars. His philosiphy is if you can run a company you can run any company. He is dyslexic, but has overcome challenges to become a sucessful buiness man.

If you can run a company you can run any company. Life is one long learning quest. All you need is good people to inspire them. worth about 50 billion dollars, and about 55000 employees. dont forget to put your dignity on the line.
building a space ship for people to get the experience to go into space . Ready in 12 months, then testing for 12 months, then ready for customers
not bright in school (Dislestic)
Head master said hed be a billionair or go to prison
Targets employees with poor service experience
has his own island

How you treat other counts
Courage Willness to put yourself at risk
value added
Leap into the unknown
willing to serve others
claculate risk

Monday, September 13, 2010

Who Am I?

My Strenghs are:
Guardians are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply -- and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Facing the Wave

What? Facing waves are like facing challenges. When you face waves you must face them in order to  remain standing, in other words you must face challeges to move forward.

So what? Facing those waves can help you defeat things that you need to challenge to help you achieve greatness.

Now What? After listening to Mr. Ross of Facing the wave you need to challenge the wave and just face it to get over your problems.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Enbrasing Risk

What? Embrasing risk is something you have to do in life all the time to move up in life. if you take some of those risks you will achieve greatness.

So What? So Embrasing Risks will make you move forward in life and get you places, but you just need to take those when you get the oppurtunity.

Now What? After listening to Mr. Ross today i have a better understanding of what you should do now when you face a risk, instead of doing nothing you have to just do it to move forward.