Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Richard Branson

Richard Branson is the founder of the company Virgin. He has created alot of jobs for inexperienced people, andd his business's are worth 25 billion dollars. His philosiphy is if you can run a company you can run any company. He is dyslexic, but has overcome challenges to become a sucessful buiness man.

If you can run a company you can run any company. Life is one long learning quest. All you need is good people to inspire them. worth about 50 billion dollars, and about 55000 employees. dont forget to put your dignity on the line.
building a space ship for people to get the experience to go into space . Ready in 12 months, then testing for 12 months, then ready for customers
not bright in school (Dislestic)
Head master said hed be a billionair or go to prison
Targets employees with poor service experience
has his own island

How you treat other counts
Courage Willness to put yourself at risk
value added
Leap into the unknown
willing to serve others
claculate risk

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