Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jason Bergen

Money Concepts

Finacial Planner
Went to sardis secondary graded in 1991
Wanted to be a weather man
Worked in Shooswap as a finacial planner then left and worked for sun finacial in Chilliwack
Be friendly to evryone in school cause you might run into them in the long run
You work on commision when you a finacial advisor
work for money concepts (2007)

Jack Nicklaus The Golden Bear
Ranked World's #1 golfer from 1968 to 1977 When asked about his secret he said, "before every shot, I go to the movies.

What is goal setting?
Imagining what we want to happen from start to finish, and writing down the steps along the way.

Most significant accomplishments are riddled with obstacles, struggles, and failures.

People who aim at nothing, are certain to hit it 100% of the time.

You learn from your mistakes.

The power of Compunding interest, rule of 72
72 divided by interest rate=  # years double your money

Create good habits early
The only thing constant in life is change
When your life moves in a different direction, Make sure your plan moves with you

Physical Goal
One month- Dumbell press 90 lbs
Six months- Bench press 220 lbs

Finacial Goal
One month- See 300 dollars in a interest account
6 Month- See 1500 dollars in interest account

Relationship Goal
One month-
6 Month

Dream Goal
One month- Find out what i want to do in life
6 Month- Get sponsored in snowboarding

Educational Goal
One Month- Get B honours this term
6 Month- Have a 3.20 point average at the end of grade 12

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sir Ken Robinson

Kids are not frightened to be wrong
if your no prepared to be wrong you will not be sucessful
kids dont grow into creativity, but grow out of it...develope knowledge
all kids are born creative
moved from england to america
Education is similar where ever you go
Intelligence is dynamic
women are better at multi tasking than men are
imagination is key
Creativity is important

What can we do to personalize education to meet your needs? Teachers should teach students what there strenghts are and there creativity that there good at not just on subjects that dont benifit as much.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sam Walton

Founder of Walmart
All he thought was to grow Walmart
Gave him the biggest business in the USA
Being Frugal is important
His father worked har d and travelled
Married an 18 year old girl
Played every sport in school
Walton had numerous chores to help make financial ends meet for his family as was common at the time.
Walton joined JC Penney as a management trainee in Des Moines, Iowa three days after graduating from college
Walton died Sunday April 5, 1992, of multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, in Little Rock, Arkansas

Friday, October 15, 2010

Worst Service Experiences

I had a blackberry storm on the carrier bell. They were alright at first but they started screwing things up. I wanted to lower my plan and they said they couldnt for another 4 months, and i thought that was wrong. So ithought they should of responded by telling me they could and that could of saved me some money.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bill Gates

An American business magnate, philanthropist, author and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul Allen. He is consistently ranked among the world's wealthiest people and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2009, excluding 2008, when he was ranked third during his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of CEO and chief software architect, and remains the largest individual shareholder with more than 8 percent of the common stock.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dave Thomas

The founder of Wendy's
Born in Atlantic City in 1932, Died in 2002 age 69
He was adopted when he was six weeks old
quit highschool to work full time and survive
Volenteered in the U.S. Army to have a choice in assignments
He was sent overseas to Germany as a mess sergeant and was responsible for the daily meals of 2000 soldiers
He earned a GED in 1993
By 1978 there were 1000 wendy's         


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Money from nothing

JCL Golf Balls- Jumped into pond and got golf balls
made $57

Cans for cash
Collected cans and returned
made $39.21

Auto Exposition Advertising
Made no money but had interest
wanted to put signs on cars for advertising

Holy shirts and pants
Sold old cloths from home
Made 184.00

KJA Home and Car services
Went around asking people if they needed help on their homes/cars
Made no money, said they were over priced

Ticket Scalping
Traded cunucks tickets for better ones
made no money

Breaktime childcare
babysitting kids
earned no money

sratch and sniff dog walking
took bottles in and walked dogs
mad $605

Errand services
Went to retirement homes and delivered things
made no money, no calls

T & E recycling
Got cardboard from dads business
sold them for 128.67

Green Enterprises
Sold destop computer
Modded an xbox
Cleaned computers
Made $785 in profit
Sold coffee and muffins

jjf Fire Wood
Got scrap wood and turned it into firewood
Made no money

Monday, October 4, 2010

Picking a Winner

What do i really like to do?
Snowboard-Instructor, sell snowboards
Working out- Trainer
Hockey- Trainer, Coach, Sell equipment
Golf- Instructor, sell golf clubs
Cliff jumping- instructor, coach

What am i really good at?
Working out- Trainer
Driving- Instructor
Snowboarding- Instructor
Hockey- Coach, instructor
Golfing- Instructor, Sell golf clubs, advertise

What market need to i see?
I see a market full of opportunities that will guide you in a chain of possibilities