Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jason Bergen

Money Concepts

Finacial Planner
Went to sardis secondary graded in 1991
Wanted to be a weather man
Worked in Shooswap as a finacial planner then left and worked for sun finacial in Chilliwack
Be friendly to evryone in school cause you might run into them in the long run
You work on commision when you a finacial advisor
work for money concepts (2007)

Jack Nicklaus The Golden Bear
Ranked World's #1 golfer from 1968 to 1977 When asked about his secret he said, "before every shot, I go to the movies.

What is goal setting?
Imagining what we want to happen from start to finish, and writing down the steps along the way.

Most significant accomplishments are riddled with obstacles, struggles, and failures.

People who aim at nothing, are certain to hit it 100% of the time.

You learn from your mistakes.

The power of Compunding interest, rule of 72
72 divided by interest rate=  # years double your money

Create good habits early
The only thing constant in life is change
When your life moves in a different direction, Make sure your plan moves with you

Physical Goal
One month- Dumbell press 90 lbs
Six months- Bench press 220 lbs

Finacial Goal
One month- See 300 dollars in a interest account
6 Month- See 1500 dollars in interest account

Relationship Goal
One month-
6 Month

Dream Goal
One month- Find out what i want to do in life
6 Month- Get sponsored in snowboarding

Educational Goal
One Month- Get B honours this term
6 Month- Have a 3.20 point average at the end of grade 12

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