Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Money from nothing

JCL Golf Balls- Jumped into pond and got golf balls
made $57

Cans for cash
Collected cans and returned
made $39.21

Auto Exposition Advertising
Made no money but had interest
wanted to put signs on cars for advertising

Holy shirts and pants
Sold old cloths from home
Made 184.00

KJA Home and Car services
Went around asking people if they needed help on their homes/cars
Made no money, said they were over priced

Ticket Scalping
Traded cunucks tickets for better ones
made no money

Breaktime childcare
babysitting kids
earned no money

sratch and sniff dog walking
took bottles in and walked dogs
mad $605

Errand services
Went to retirement homes and delivered things
made no money, no calls

T & E recycling
Got cardboard from dads business
sold them for 128.67

Green Enterprises
Sold destop computer
Modded an xbox
Cleaned computers
Made $785 in profit
Sold coffee and muffins

jjf Fire Wood
Got scrap wood and turned it into firewood
Made no money

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