Thursday, December 16, 2010

Undercover Boss-ABM

Was very hurt about the 9/11 attack
Wants his customers to be happy so they stay
Ceo was messing up alot on his first job, and he didn't get the job
Didnt get the second job because he was so scared of hieghts
lost 17 employees at 9/11

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Famous Entrepreneuers

1.Donald Trump-CEO of theTrump Organization
2.Richard Branson- Ceo of Virgin
3.HebKelleher- Ceo of Southwest airlines
4.Oville Redenbacher- Create Orville Redenbacher popcorn
5.Howard Schultz- CEO of Starbucks
6.Henry Ford-Created Ford
7.Jerry Yang-CEO of Yahoo!
8.Ray Kroc-Created Mcdonalds
9.Phil Nike-Creater of the Nike Brand

Friday, December 10, 2010

Conrad Hilton

-Founder of the Hilton Hotels
-If you worked hard you could exceed
-Grew up by stones throw
-His mom taught him the Catholic faith
-He succeeded in school
-Developed Passion
-He opened bank which wasnt a good idead, and it closed after a year
-He entered politics
-His dad, died in a car accident
-He missed his fathers funeral
-He went to texas to be a banker
-Instead he bought a hotel for 40,00 dollars
-Bought more hotels in texas
-He was a huge success, until a depression hit the states and he lost everything in except on hotel the El Paso
-He manged to get and gain a great reputation
-Guard your reputation
-If people are fearful they will take anything
-Married Again in 1941
-Bought the Rosevelt hotel in new your
-Also bouth the biggest hotel in the world in Chicago
-Bought the Hotel the Waldo

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Melanie Houlker

Utopia Academy
Heart was in fashion design
After graduating high school didnt have a plan
If you dont like something, its not too late to try another thing that interests you
trying to find a job in the service industry is hard
First job was in a salon in abbotsford
Decided to go into hair design
Dad said that she wasnt going back there ever again
Got a job at great clips
Her first paycheck was 200 dollars, but wasnt that much money
In two weeks she couldnt see her work so she quit
She got a job in a salon in coquitlam
She quit just after a year
Got tired of comutting to job
Got another job at Chatters
Went Green apple then went back to Chatters
She left after 3 years, and got a job at Utopia Academy (Been there for 7 1/2 years)
Teachs Students to cut hair
Teachs a bunch of subjects related to hair design
I have no future in working for this company

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Post-It Notes

-Spencer Silver had a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry when he came to 3M to work as a senior chemist in their Central Research Lab.
-Found a glue that held paper together but you could rip it off when ever you had to
-He found out that there was a machine that made his invention
-He made one but could fit it through his front door
-Silver developed a new adhesive, but it was even weaker than what 3M already manufactured.

Uro Club
-He created a gold club that you can urinate into
-25k for 50%
-Invested 300,000 dollars in his business
-Sold 3000 products
-Made 70,000 dollars
-Setted on 25k for 70%

Friday, December 3, 2010

College, INC.

Grand Canyon University
Market Demand
Degree Completion
University of the Pheonix (500,000 Students)
40,000 students enrolled at Grand Canyon University
Makes a whole bunch of money when they went public
Most of mullers money comes from online servers
He made 25 million on online courses
Invest in failing universitys and fixes them
Ex Gang members, prostitutes, and homelesss people etc. can get a student loan, and then get a degree

Pork Barrall spice rub

-Its good on meat
-50k for 50% of their company
-Other companys said its really good and one of the best
-Makes 50% profit on the bbq sauce
-They need to work on making it a full time job instead of a part time job
-50k for 50% (accepted)

Mr. Poncho
-Wants 50k for 25%
-Didnt get a deal
-Sharks didnt like the idea because you could just rap the head phones around the mp3

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lei Giesbrecht

1. Little things make a big difference
2. Know your "why?" (adversity)
3. imagine your bus 10 ways
4. Have a plan
5. Be different (not me to)
6. Read biographies
7. ask mentors
8. Give more than your respect
9. People loving business
10. Stay Humble
11. Create Fun
12. Let it go...Forgive...Move on
13. Financial Literacy
14. Live w/in your means
15.Take inventory..."Am I on Track?"

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mr. Bobble

Jeff Wolsky
He makes custom bobble heads
He wants 75000 for 18% of the company
He dosnt want to sell any of his existing company
Dosnt make a deal with the sharks
Sharks wanted 100,000 for 20%

Monday, November 29, 2010

Merchants of Cool, Marketing to youth

-Teens run todays economy
-Get involved into their culture
-Develop ralationships
-Get hip hop to get teens to listen'
-You have to understand what they want
-Teens talk about sex alot, so tav was made to interest them
-Teens show things what are on tv and media sells this back to the kids
-Corporations capitalize on the age-old insecurities and self-doubts of teens by making them believe that to be truly cool, you need their product
- Some companies hire "cool hunters" or "cultural spies" to infiltrate the world of teens and bring back the latest trends

Where are the adults? Youth marketers diminish the presence of adults in the youth market today because the media is not interested really in adults, because theres a way larger market of teens.
What is this doing to our teens? What its doing is that its getting teens involved in a negative way, and they're getting more crazier.
Comment on the reducing of students in our society? A 13 year old that looks 17 years old Because the media is showing things to 13 year olds that they shouldnt see, and that whats makes them look older
The entertainment companies ... look at the teen market as part of this massive empire they're colonizinghe entertainment companies ... look at the teen market as part of this m


Shops (metal, woodwork etc.)
Trip to China

The heart of sardis
Achieve greatness
raise the bar
get educated
we care

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ray Kroc

-Mcdonalds Owner
-Sold the world on the conceptof fst food
-Made himself a millionaire
-Started a lemonade stand in front of his house, and worked in a grocery store
-Tried to find sceams on how to make money (didnt go to school very much)
-Joined the red cross ambulance core
-Gave school another chance but quit at the end of semester one
-Became the multimixer distributer at age 37
-dick and mac mcdonald opened up a hotdog stand and then moved 3years lkater and made a bigger one called mcdonals
-reinvemted bigger grills etc. for better and more quicker service
-The small hotdog stand they opened turned into a huge success and made a magazine cover
-See Value (Mutimixer)
-less is more
-do less but do it efficently
-52 years and then he heard about Mcdonalds
-He rented out real estate to make more money
-His first love was only Mcdonalds
-Opened a hamburger university, for training
-Ray wanted to buy out dick and mac mcdonald, they wanted 1,000,000 each and enough cash to pay taxes
-Bought the San Diego Padres
-He died at age 81 due to a failing heart

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Element Bars:
- Custom Energy Bars
-Makes 1000 a day
- Makes them because he wants to make a bar that dosnt make you crash, and he wants to better the competition
- He wants 150k for 15%
- He thinks his company is worth $1,000,000.00
-Got an offer for 150k for 75%
-Got another offer for 150k for 100% and 4% royalty

Made a deal for 150k for 30% and 4% royalty

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Money from Nothing

Garage Sale boys- Travis Sherman, and Tyler Christie
Sold items at a garage sale

Redline Performance- Alex Antle, and Cooper Arnold
Bought auto parts and sold them for cheap- 415

Lucas Bury- Egg/Zima Eggs
Sold eggs From there chickens- No money

Tyler Cameron- Begin Boating
Put Boats in water- $120

Katie Conrad- Acrylic Nails
Did peoples nails- $45

Illuminite- Jake Dueck, Cole Ewert
Put up Christmas Lights- $123

Brad Smith, Evan Edlund- The Gutter Boys
Cleaned gutters, and landscaped- $360

Racheal Hisinga- Purses
Sold purses- $15.80

Ben Kipper- Computer and Car Audio Solutions
Serviced Computers, and sold audio stuff- $1550

Brandon Laroche- Delivery Service
Delivery Service, picked up products and delivered them- $280

Colin Alberts- Roses for cure
Delivered flowers for breast cancer- $714

Genny, Adam- A&G's Bake for you
made cookies and other baked goods for people- Made no money

People who succeeded in doing this project, and made money were people who did different things and did it their own way. The people who made no money didnt work hard enough and did the same thing that other competitors do, and they probably have more experience at it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Problems and solutions

Make more lanes in road
Car pooling

Get more people to make the job faster
They should work at night so cause its less busy

Old people who cant drive
Should be an age limit
Should be tested again whats your a certain age

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Branding your business

Volvo will become chinese owed in the future
Organically grown chinese brands will inevidently become highly popular
Chinese Mindset is swinging from mechanical to emotional

Store jobs told disney to make sure walk in a disney store that you can understand the message
If shelves could talk what would they say?
Your mechandise says alot about your store
Break with connection
Less seems to be more, uncluttered works

What made me stand out this week was being nice to people around me.
What do i want to be famous for? I want to be famous for being a key partner in a successful business

Ralph Lifshitz
Defined the business suit and his clothing became very popular. He expanded into other areas, including casual shirts and pants. He also experimented in other areas such as furniture and linens that proved to be quite profitable.

What is personal Branding
Is the process that takes your skills, personality of what you, and what you do, and what makes you different.

What a Personal Brand does?
1. Your are different
2. You arr superior
3. You are authentic

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Everything is broken

Opportunity lost
if u think its broken then its broken
7 kinds of broken:
Not my job: Doing nothing to solve a problem they can see
Selfish jerks: People trick you into things so you spend money
I am not a fish: People Desighn thinngs so stupidly that things are not convinient
I dont know: People design things so it cant be better in any way
Broken on purpose
Just broken

Monday, November 8, 2010

Seth Godin

You need to spread your ideas so people no about them
Remarkeble means, worth making a remark about
Sell to people who are listening
Very good is boring
Very good will not work
Everyones in fasion business
Be remarkable
Design rules
Figure out who cares, ans ell it to them
Safe is risky

Friday, November 5, 2010

Home Depot

Founded in 1978
First two stores opened in 1979
More than 50 billion in sales
If you cat make money then it dosnt work out well
Made a business called handy dan
Founded by by Bernie Marcus, Arthur Blank, Ron Brill, and Pat Farrah
Bernie and Arthur were fired from handy dan
The home depot stores were larger than there competitors stores
Founded in Marietta, Georgia
Kept their ideas secret about their new business
Had alot of ideas for a business name but came up with "The Home Depot"
Had hard time buying products because they had little money
Engouraged employees to take on big projects
Home depot sponsored the olympics

Thursday, November 4, 2010

fundementals to success

Be Frugal
Find out your strengths
Take risks
Have a back-up plan
Be passionate
know what you want
willing to fail

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hedge Hog Concept

It is an understanding of what you can be the best at. If You no something your good at stick to it.

My Hedge Hog Concept

My Hedge Hog concept is probly being good at sports, cause im a fast learner in gaining skills fast.

Chilliwacks Hedge Hog conceptis probly having good water it is better than alot of water anywhere else.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dragons Den

Kevin O'Leary
Puts money over feeling
Born in Montreal Canada
first job was at a ice cream parlor
He got fired because he didnt scrape the gum of the floor
he said he would never work for someone again
turned 10,000 dollars into a 3.7 million dollars in a software company
Money rules his life
Money is his inner peece

Brett Wilson
Hes Generous
Born in Saskatchewan
His dad didnt notice him when he came back from the oil fields (6 months)
Main goal was the graduate
Brain power was one of his values
Sacrificed his family for wealth
Carried the olympic torch through Calgary

Jim Treliving
Built a pizza empire
Had many occupations
Was an ex rcmp officer
Opened up Boston Pizza first franchise in penticton
took ten years before they saw any money
Hard work, works
Grew up in a small town
Arlene Dickenson
Strong Marketer
You need to earn money, its not just given to you
Born in Africa
Grew up poor
She left home when she was 16
owner of venture communications
Money cant make you happy, it has no feelings

Robert Harjevec
He was always encouraged
Raised on a farm
Raised by Aunt & Uncle
Dosnt understand people with no ambition
When he turned 8 everything changed for him
Any can be rich if they put there mind to it

What I Learned?
I learned that it dosnt matter what you started off with, whatever you start off with, you can turn it into something big.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jason Bergen

Money Concepts

Finacial Planner
Went to sardis secondary graded in 1991
Wanted to be a weather man
Worked in Shooswap as a finacial planner then left and worked for sun finacial in Chilliwack
Be friendly to evryone in school cause you might run into them in the long run
You work on commision when you a finacial advisor
work for money concepts (2007)

Jack Nicklaus The Golden Bear
Ranked World's #1 golfer from 1968 to 1977 When asked about his secret he said, "before every shot, I go to the movies.

What is goal setting?
Imagining what we want to happen from start to finish, and writing down the steps along the way.

Most significant accomplishments are riddled with obstacles, struggles, and failures.

People who aim at nothing, are certain to hit it 100% of the time.

You learn from your mistakes.

The power of Compunding interest, rule of 72
72 divided by interest rate=  # years double your money

Create good habits early
The only thing constant in life is change
When your life moves in a different direction, Make sure your plan moves with you

Physical Goal
One month- Dumbell press 90 lbs
Six months- Bench press 220 lbs

Finacial Goal
One month- See 300 dollars in a interest account
6 Month- See 1500 dollars in interest account

Relationship Goal
One month-
6 Month

Dream Goal
One month- Find out what i want to do in life
6 Month- Get sponsored in snowboarding

Educational Goal
One Month- Get B honours this term
6 Month- Have a 3.20 point average at the end of grade 12

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sir Ken Robinson

Kids are not frightened to be wrong
if your no prepared to be wrong you will not be sucessful
kids dont grow into creativity, but grow out of it...develope knowledge
all kids are born creative
moved from england to america
Education is similar where ever you go
Intelligence is dynamic
women are better at multi tasking than men are
imagination is key
Creativity is important

What can we do to personalize education to meet your needs? Teachers should teach students what there strenghts are and there creativity that there good at not just on subjects that dont benifit as much.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sam Walton

Founder of Walmart
All he thought was to grow Walmart
Gave him the biggest business in the USA
Being Frugal is important
His father worked har d and travelled
Married an 18 year old girl
Played every sport in school
Walton had numerous chores to help make financial ends meet for his family as was common at the time.
Walton joined JC Penney as a management trainee in Des Moines, Iowa three days after graduating from college
Walton died Sunday April 5, 1992, of multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, in Little Rock, Arkansas

Friday, October 15, 2010

Worst Service Experiences

I had a blackberry storm on the carrier bell. They were alright at first but they started screwing things up. I wanted to lower my plan and they said they couldnt for another 4 months, and i thought that was wrong. So ithought they should of responded by telling me they could and that could of saved me some money.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bill Gates

An American business magnate, philanthropist, author and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul Allen. He is consistently ranked among the world's wealthiest people and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2009, excluding 2008, when he was ranked third during his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of CEO and chief software architect, and remains the largest individual shareholder with more than 8 percent of the common stock.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dave Thomas

The founder of Wendy's
Born in Atlantic City in 1932, Died in 2002 age 69
He was adopted when he was six weeks old
quit highschool to work full time and survive
Volenteered in the U.S. Army to have a choice in assignments
He was sent overseas to Germany as a mess sergeant and was responsible for the daily meals of 2000 soldiers
He earned a GED in 1993
By 1978 there were 1000 wendy's         


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Money from nothing

JCL Golf Balls- Jumped into pond and got golf balls
made $57

Cans for cash
Collected cans and returned
made $39.21

Auto Exposition Advertising
Made no money but had interest
wanted to put signs on cars for advertising

Holy shirts and pants
Sold old cloths from home
Made 184.00

KJA Home and Car services
Went around asking people if they needed help on their homes/cars
Made no money, said they were over priced

Ticket Scalping
Traded cunucks tickets for better ones
made no money

Breaktime childcare
babysitting kids
earned no money

sratch and sniff dog walking
took bottles in and walked dogs
mad $605

Errand services
Went to retirement homes and delivered things
made no money, no calls

T & E recycling
Got cardboard from dads business
sold them for 128.67

Green Enterprises
Sold destop computer
Modded an xbox
Cleaned computers
Made $785 in profit
Sold coffee and muffins

jjf Fire Wood
Got scrap wood and turned it into firewood
Made no money

Monday, October 4, 2010

Picking a Winner

What do i really like to do?
Snowboard-Instructor, sell snowboards
Working out- Trainer
Hockey- Trainer, Coach, Sell equipment
Golf- Instructor, sell golf clubs
Cliff jumping- instructor, coach

What am i really good at?
Working out- Trainer
Driving- Instructor
Snowboarding- Instructor
Hockey- Coach, instructor
Golfing- Instructor, Sell golf clubs, advertise

What market need to i see?
I see a market full of opportunities that will guide you in a chain of possibilities

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kelly Johnston

- Realtor
- Graduated from sardis in 1986
- Owner of Sutton Real-State in Chilliwack
- Advance your goals as you move along
- He didnt have much money when he was growing up
- He had to earn the things he wanted
- Didn't want to be stressed over money
- Got in to acting
- Played in some lead roles on T.V shows
- Money is just a thing
- Follow your passions
- Opened a coffee shop in abbotsford
- Want to be at the top
- In 2003 he wanted make a real estate team
- There is cycles for profit
- Markets can go up or down
- Be prepared for storms
- You are not a victim of the world
- Build a network of friends
- Figure out your route
- The coffee shop has the power of focus and visualization
- Live life the way it should be lived
- You can make as much money as you want, you don't have a price tag on you
- Bring key peopleinto your circle
- Create a win win situation
- Feed the brain
- Dilute your brain with positive things
- Take each step as it comes

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blake Ross

Blake Ross is an American software developer who is known for his work on the Mozilla Web Browser. He started the Mozilla Firefox project with Dave Hyatt, as well as ther Spread Firefox project with Asa Dotzler while working as a contractor at the Mozilla Foundation. He created his first website at age 10. He began programming during middle school. Ross is  most well known for co-founding the Mozilla Firefox project with Hyatt. While interning at Netscape, Ross became disenchanted with the "Browser" he was working on and the direction given to it by American online has recently purchased netscape.

Young Entrepreneurs

Evan Williams- Twitter
- Launched twitter as a side project of odeo
- designed as a broadcast media
- It allows to share imformation with the world or to people you know

- Allows you to search pretty much anything
- Employees are go-getters
- No formula
- They want to make the world a better place
- Wants more searches
- Have  a bunch of toolbars (Froogle, Blogger etc.)
- Encourages employees to share their new ideas
- Creates many side projects like toolbars, news, etc.


- Creates free thinking
- effective
- Challenges google
- valued at 15 billion
- creates culture
- Selling ads

Hunks Hauling junk

-College foxes hauling boxs
- offered 250k for 25%
- inc. magazine 30 on 30
- offered 1 million-10%

Both companys are very appealing college foxes hauyling boxs have great potential to be a partner with college hunk moving junk in removong junk and moving buisness's.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Rockefellers

- You have to no the value of money
- Keep a ledger to keep track of your money
- His goal was to make 100,000 dollars
- He was concerned with hsi fortune, no made
- He was a millionaire many times over again
- He had a repitition of being ruthless
- offered companys shares and cash, to buy them out
- He was worth a quater of a billion dollars
- Built a all black college
- Donateed 600,000 dollars to westham college
- 34 different companys were created out of standard oil

Succes Tips

- Face the Wave- Face your challenges head on
- Embrace Risk - Take risks to move ahead in life
- Be Discerning- Be aware of your surroundings to find outstanding opportunities
- 24 hour rule- You have 24 hours to confront someone who wronged you, or you lose the right to be hurt
- Keep a Ledger- Helps you save money

Arnold Swarzenegger

He is a very succesful man. He was born in austria, and his parents were very strict on what he did and what he had a passion for. His passion was body building and he loved it. He won alot of bodybuliding matchs but had lost some. He won championships when he was 16 and 17. At age 20 he got the Mr. Universe award. His mentor was Joe Wieder who help him publish his bodybuilding newletters. After his waitlifting carrer he began acting, and was very succesful in that.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Every Problem is an Opportunity

- Open your eyes to problems
- Every problem is an opportunity
- Problem..."bring them on!"
- Intersection of yor "skills, market need and passion"
- Willing to fail...make a resume of failures
- Build ralationship...for the long-term
- Prioritize. (One page Business Plan) and re-evaluate constantly
- Teams. Make everyone else successful. The more  you give --- The more you get!
- Never miss an opportunity to be Fabulous! Do my BEST work Now!
- You control your attitude. (MBA won't fix your problem)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Be Discerning

This means to keep your eyes wide open and being aware of your surroundings. In Indonesia a Tsunami hit  and tourists didnt no what was happening. Alot of lives were lost because they didnt take action fast enough, and that costed them. This is a good success tip to not only eliminate bad things around you, but to extend good oppurtunities.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Richard Branson

Richard Branson is the founder of the company Virgin. He has created alot of jobs for inexperienced people, andd his business's are worth 25 billion dollars. His philosiphy is if you can run a company you can run any company. He is dyslexic, but has overcome challenges to become a sucessful buiness man.

If you can run a company you can run any company. Life is one long learning quest. All you need is good people to inspire them. worth about 50 billion dollars, and about 55000 employees. dont forget to put your dignity on the line.
building a space ship for people to get the experience to go into space . Ready in 12 months, then testing for 12 months, then ready for customers
not bright in school (Dislestic)
Head master said hed be a billionair or go to prison
Targets employees with poor service experience
has his own island

How you treat other counts
Courage Willness to put yourself at risk
value added
Leap into the unknown
willing to serve others
claculate risk

Monday, September 13, 2010

Who Am I?

My Strenghs are:
Guardians are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply -- and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.